Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Siren's Wail

As promised, I return and with a tale to weave.

Today I received my very first moving violation ticket--ever. What a terrifying experience. I turned right on red when signs marked my passage"No Turn Right on Red." I didn't see. I didn't know. I was driving somewhere new. I was frightened, alone in my car, lost, scared...alas, by the time I did see the sign it was one second too late. The car was in motion. The wheel had been turned. I was traveling on the path towards a ticket. It had to happen to me sometime, as it must happen to us all. Traffic tickets wait for no one. Eventually they catch us. Honest mistake though. I pride myself  I did not cry until I drove away from the police officer, nor did my hands shake too badly as I handed him my license. I could not hear his siren, although I assume the policeman at least beeped it at me, luckily (unluckily?) the flashing blue-white lights were utilized. Visual cues; joy!

After receiving my ticket and enjoying a delicious lunch at Farm Burger--because I earned it, I was having a rough day-- I went to class. I am finding that ASL is very challenging, maybe more challenging than I thought it would be. I'm not certain if this is because it's a spatial visual language and that's not my strongest forte, or the brevity of the class. Luckily, my professor is an absolute delight and teaches in a manner that is truly engaging and encouraging. She is deaf, as are many of the professors and lab technicians, at GPC. Our classes are taught in sign,--or as close to it as possible--to allow as much of a full immersion process as possible. This is akin to traveling in another country; you pick up the language faster if you are living there and have to.

So far I find myself struggling with flipping signs often. I'm not certain why I do this. I understand the signs when my professor does them, I see how I should do them in my mind and then when I go to do them my hands want to do them opposite. It's frustrating but I know with more practice I will be alright.

Today I find myself thinking about the past and how we can get stuck in a rut and it's difficult to overcome that point. It's hard to see yourself out of a job you don't like, a financially scary situation, or maybe a relationship that felt a little too cozy; but sometimes it is so worth taking that next big step. Even if that next big step leads to months of confusion and uncertainty. As long as you've got forward momentum, you've got something good going. Not to sound all preachy. I hate that type of stuff. Mainly, it's just that today, I saw a difference in myself.  Past me would've gotten a ticket, had a few other bad things happen and said "You know what--that's a legit reason to skip class. You don't have to go." but Current me says, "No. You're going, even though you're kind of sad about the ticket and state of affairs, at least you had a really good burger. Go to class. You'll thank yourself later."

Do something now that you'll thank yourself for later. Seriously, guys. It sounds so stupid makes all the difference in the world.


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